In June 2021, the Program Performance Group within the Quality & Improvement Department updated BAMSI’s existing Quality operations and reintroduced the updated processes to the Agency as the “BAMSI QUALITY SYSTEM (BQS)” before the start of this year’s annual program review season. BQS focuses on program performance, not just meeting standards. Under new annual program review protocols, each BAMSI program is unique and treated that way. The annual review seeks to understand how and where individual programs are achieving standards and exceeding the standards! So, programs aren’t competing with one another.
Within BQS, Programs own and drive their performance and outcomes. In our updated system, four levels of achievement exist to guide programs towards “creating a better everyday for persons served and those serving in the field.” It helps programs create their pathway to achieving their goals, individualized improvements, sustaining quality services, and striving towards the overall quality vision of Operational Excellence.
Our very own Center Hill Rd program achieved the level of Operational Excellence Lite in their 2021 Annual Program Performance Review – it is the second-highest achievement in BQS. Through COVID Pandemic challenges, the loss of two persons served over the past year, and staffing struggles, the Center Hill Rd team has persevered! The team strives to make “BAMSI Quality” a part of their “everyday” while continuing to care for and support persons served.
Maria, the Program Manager, leads by example and accountability. Her leadership skills produce high expectations for her team seen in their thorough and organized program. The core staff and relief of the Center Hill Rd program are dedicated, loyal champions continuously promoting high-quality services, personal best, and independence of persons served at the home.
The Center Hill Rd team has also committed to a PIC (Performance Improvement Charter) and implement additional sustainable improvements in areas of recommendation by the Program Performance Group during the annual review and if completed will permit the team to reach the level of Operational Excellence by November! Congratulations to the Center Hill Rd Team!
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